GenderSci lab seeks legal database-savvy research assistant

The GenderSci Lab at Harvard is seeking a law student research assistant (RA) to be part of an exciting multidisciplinary research team. Preference is given to Harvard Law students. The RA will join the “Biology and Sexual Diversity in Law and Public Policy” group and will conduct legal research oriented at examining how scientific claims about sex and gender are cited and mobilized in law and public policy.

We are currently working on a project involving a Federal regulation by the Department of Health and Human Services, and are looking for a law student with excellent research skills, particularly with legal databases (HeinOnline, Westlaw, etc.). Applicants should send a short statement of interest (no more than 200 words) and a CV to

The position pays $18 an hour and will not begin until the current (12/9/19) Harvard graduate student strike is resolved.