Just For Grins: Signs vs. Science

Comic by Brianna Weir, content credit: Meredith Reiches.


Image description: Four-panel comic.

Panel one (top left)

*pair of hands triumphantly holding up paper with text*

Speech bubble: “My paper was published in Signs!”


Panel two (top right)

*zoomed-out view of the room, with the person holding the paper (still over their head) and another person, sitting at a desk with a computer*

Sitting person's speech bubble: “Ooh, Science?!”


Panel three (bottom left)

*Same view , but standing person has lowered their arms, holds the folded paper in one hand near waist, other hand is in front pocket of pants*

Standing person's speech bubble: “Um, no.”


Panel four (bottom right)

*zoomed-in view of the standing person's torso, text box in lower right corner: “Content credit to Meredith Reiches”*

Standing person's speech bubble: “It's like the Science of feminism.”

Originally published at https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/gendersci/blog/just-grins-signs-vs-science


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